Utilizing Web Design for Your Website SEO


Creating a web design is aimed at pampering visitors when viewing a website. by displaying the beauty and usefulness of the website. That is indeed true, because basically designing a website is to provide visitors convenience or interest in accessing the website later.

However, if the website you are designing is a type of website that requires search engines for the source of visitors, it is highly recommended to add orientation to the search engine for your web design. Good LinkHelpers Phoenix Web Design can be used to improve SEO by doing some tricks when coding so that it makes SEO Friendly.

In this article we will provide a few tips for you to make your website friendly to search engines so that you can optimize your website SERP. Here are the tips:


  1. Optimize the use of CSS

CSS optimization aims to effectively use it on web pages so that it produces smaller CSS files. The practices are as follows:

  • Throw away unnecessary codes and avoid repetition of CSS. Use the same class on elements with the same style. In this case the use of the framework can be very helpful, if after the codes that are not used in the framework are removed.
  • Collect CSS in only 1 file and avoid import usage.
  • Compress or minify CSS code.
  • Call the CSS code in the head and / head tags.
  • Avoid using CSS inline with attributes in html tags or with style tags.


  1. Optimize the use of javascript

The principle is the same as point 1: Effectiveness of use. However, the way is different. The practices are as follows:

  • Discover unnecessary scripts and avoid repetition. In this case you should avoid using jquery plugins for certain functions. It would be better if you make this function using only jquery lib, and even better if it’s pure javascript.
  • Avoid using JavaScript directly in the HTML file in the script tag
  • Place all the javascript calls in the code structure at the bottom, at the end of the previous body / body tag. Or it can remain in the head tag, but by using the async attribute. This tag serves to delay rendering or loading the script when the page is accessed. Unfortunately, the use of async tags can sometimes cause certain scripts to fail.
  • Megkompress or minify javascript.


  1. Optimize the use of images

Still the same as 2 points above, only the practice is different:

  • If the image displayed on the web is 200 × 200, the actual size of the image must be 200 × 200 too. Image size manipulation using CSS code, for example displaying a 200 × 200 image on the web, even though the actual size is 400 × 400 should be avoided.
  • Use the “alt” attribute to describe the image in the text.
  • Compress the image before using it on the web, to make it lighter.