The Conflict Between Human and AI
AI has become an all-encompassing word being used today and many wonder why it
is so important for human survival and growth. We first need to look at the
development of AI solutions since the mid-1960s when the first AI Chatbots came
into existence from the first of the Robotics laboratories around the world.
Back in the 1960s, AI was busy piecing together a language which would mimic
the human in tone and the way it “thought things thru; even the computer
programming language that was driving AI forwards was called Artificial
Intelligence Programming Language.
Smalltalk and ML
One of the first of these languages was either ML or Smalltalk. Smalltalk would
be at the center of Xerox Park and the work they were doing there. Eliza (1966)
was developed at the MIT laboratories by Dr. Weizanbaum using MAD-SLIP a
version of Lisp. Originally developed as a sort of …